Pixelvine is a very small design studio that mostly caters to local small businesses and government departments in West Michigan and the surrounding area. Cheap and quickly built (emphasis on quickly) Wordpress sites, photography, video promotions, graphic design, SEO, and website upkeep are all within their offered services.
Often, I was flying by the seat of my pants. The job definitely challenged my ability to manage my time and deliver a well designed product in as little time as possible.
This was a super quick assignment that was built within one work day. The challenge here was to redo their website but they didn't have any imagery or marketing materials. Working solely with text and color, I built a simple but elegant site that fits the law firm's needs of educating their clients.
The layout and some elements have changed slightly since leaving Pixelvine, but the spirit is there.
Based in Sunfield, Michigan, these guys sustainably harvest and process wood of all kinds into usable lumber for housing, furniture, and whatever else you might need quality planks for.
The sage green color was pulled from their existing logo, and the pink/purple color was sampled from some of the spraypaint they use to mark their timber.
This niche little business speializes in fabricating custom jewelry counters and displays. Their website has changed significantly since I had my hands on it, and I'm not sure Pixelvine is managing it anymore.
Safe Harbor Children’s Advocacy Center is a nationally accredited, nonprofit organization that helps children heal and grow past the trauma they may have experienced from child abuse of all kinds.
The site has changed significantly from when I was on the Pixelvine staff, and I miss the simple charm I gave the site. The newer site seems way more over-designed and busier than it should be.
Brochures, directories, flyers... anything print went through me. The Barry County Chamber Directory was probably the most fun/challenging for me (having been fresh out of college). Managing the ads and designing systems for the tons of information that was required to list each business was somethign that I hadn't really done before - at least not at this scale.
My favorite ad is the Hastings Summer Fest on page 13. Gotta love it.
Boss man had an idea for an offshoot company that I believe never grew roots. The concept for the site was that it would be sort of a Wordpress or content management "helpline", for people that needed a little hand holding when they were designing/creating their small business site, but didn't have the funds to pay for us to manage it completely.